Just Roots Creative Healing Collective




Welcome to 'Just Roots' Creative Healing Collective!


Did you know trees keep each other alive underground? It's true! When the hands of greed or the winds of nature cut a tree down, the rest of the forest keeps the tree alive through roots underground. 


This is the heart of 'Just Roots'. 

We are a multicultural, multidisciplinary, multi-faith collective of Maine artists, healers, and community organizers who seek to utilize our gifts and strengths to build a forest which thrives. 


Through services offered, mutual aide, networking, and continued expansion, Just Roots  concentrates our efforts to spread waves of healing throughout our small town of a big state of Maine and beyond as we build community and connection


We believe that directly impacted people hold the knowledge necessary for our collective liberation. Our collective addresses and identifies the needs of our individual and collective communities by creating a web of support


'Just Roots Creative Healing Collective' is a hub, a resource, connector, and a container.


With your ongoing support we will be able to sustain: 


Mutual Aide Fund and Joy Funds

an Artist Fee/Support Fund

Skillshare and Workshop Stipends

Resource and Hub creation

Just Compensation model for Creator and Organizers


Join Our Network of Just Roots Today!